Blue Day Celebration

 “Let the blue sky meet the blue sea, and all is blue for a time” – 

Blue symbolises trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence and truth. A virtual Blue Day celebration was organised for our young Oxfordians of class Nursery to increase the knowledge of colours and their significance.  The students were dressed in blue attire of different shades. The Virtual Classrooms were decorated with blue balloons and much more stuff. The importance of blue colour was delivered effectively with a series of activities to make learning fun for our tiny tots. Students carried their favourite blue object and enthusiastically spoke a few sentences about it. Our young learners also made a whale for themselves during the session & enjoyed the activities with immense enthusiasm and zeal.

Blue Day was a fantastic learning experience that had a long-lasting effect on each student. Early identification of colours helped create the cognitive link between visual clues and words, an integral part of a child’s development.

It was indeed a visual treat to see the sound effects of blue colour on our little ones.


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